
Moneyless Economy (MLE)

The IMAGINE! Montreal and IMAGINE! Global Communties is aimed at spreading peace, love, harmony and equality to all places across the globe through the inclusion of all people interested in creating a much better world - for all.  As with anything, it is a process.  My hope is that in a matter of weeks/months we will captivate the world through our message and will have people from all over spreading this message widely, through social media.  To this end I am reaching out to leaders in all fields to be a part of this important movement.

The IMAGINE! Movement is sister to the other initiative I founded on April 8, 2024, The Peace Project.  While The Peace Project's focus is on the attainment of global peace, inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono's tremendous body of work in this area, IMAGINE!'s mission is developing the conditions for ensuring that every person on the planet is equal and has equal.  A very important and key element of this is the development of a Moneyless Economy (MLE).  Please read the very enlightening articles by Subhendu Das, below and read his website:  Eternal Global Peace.  

Moneyless Economy.pdf Moneyless Economy.pdf
Size : 202.797 Kb
Type : pdf
Implementing an MLE.pdf Implementing an MLE.pdf
Size : 125.008 Kb
Type : pdf
Truth and MLE.pdf Truth and MLE.pdf
Size : 268.525 Kb
Type : pdf

Eagles - The Last Resort.mp3

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